
North Dallas Sai Center


Seva - Service at Sai Baba Center


First Friday of Every Month at 7pm

What is Seva?

Service, or Seva, at the Sai Baba Center is primarily a spiritual practice aimed at elevating us through constant practice to recognize the Divinity in all beings. As Swami says, “The best way to please me is to see Me in all beings and serve them just as you would like to serve Me.

Swami also teaches that before engaging in Seva (selfless service), one must attain purity of heart. It is important to examine one's motives, skills, intentions, and qualifications, and to be aware of the desire for fame or egoism. To truly serve, one must relinquish pride, status, wealth, scholarship, and position, and instead practice humility, obedience, discipline, and compassion.

How Can We Help?

Leave the rest to God, who gave you the chance to serve.

Why Join a Group Service Project?

Swami says, “What a single individual cannot accomplish, a well-knit group or society can achieve. A man walking alone will feel tired and miserable at the end of five miles, but walking with a group would find the five miles a happy jaunt. He arrives refreshed and strong.

Our projects are designed to meet the diverse needs and abilities of participants. If none of these projects address your specific areas of interest, please contact the Seva coordinator to find a suitable opportunity.

Swami reminds us, “God will not ask you what seva did you do? He will ask, with what motive did you do it? What was the intention that prompted it? You may weigh the Seva and boast of its quantity, but God seeks the quality and holiness of the heart and the purity of the mind.

Our Special Service Projects Include:

Regular Service Projects: