
North Dallas Sai Center



Swami Says...

"Life is a song sing it... you too must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a spiritual song. Believe that God is everywhere at all times, and derive strength, comfort, and joy by singing His glory in His presence. Let melody and harmony surge up from your hearts, and let all take delight in the love that you express through that song."

- Baba (Prashanti Nilayam Nov 14, 1976)

Bhajan Timings


Dress Code

Guidelines for Bhajan Leading

  1. Bhajan (singing a devotional song) is Sadhana (spiritual discipline) for all who share in it. With each Bhajan song the mind must be rendered pure, free from passion and stronger in faith. Bhajan must be a thrilling experience, leaving the participants full of pure energy and elevated enthusiasm.
  2. Bhajans have to be sung and offered to God in an attitude of utter humility. They are not to be taken as exercises in an exhibition of talents and as competition for mastery of musical skills. They have to please the Lord, not your fans.
  3. Sing familiar Bhajans so all can share "Anand Bliss".
  4. Pay attention to the tune, the meaning, the variety, the voice, the raga (rhythm), the tala (beat), and other fine points of the Bhajan.
  5. When you sing Bhajans dwell on the meaning of the song and the message of each name and form of God.
  6. Do not monopolize the time in Bhajans by singing one for 6 or 10 minutes, or by repeating the same line often. Repeat each line only twice and no more. Have only two speeds and other fast, in this way you can have in 1 hour of bhajans, more songs on more forms, more tunes, and variety, giving more people the chance.
  7. Bhajans must be a felt experience. Do not sing with one eye on the effect the song makes on the listeners and the other of the effect it makes on God. Let your heart pant for God then the raga and tala will automatically be pleasant and correct.
  8. Bhajans should be sweet to the ear. If your voice is not pleasant or sweet, keep quiet that is the best service you can give.
  9. Unless you sing Bhajans for your own joy, you cannot bring joy to others. It is only when the feeling arises in the heart that the song will appeal to the hearts of others. I am pleased only when Love is the keynote when the feeling of unity prevails when the melody comes from cleansed, God-loving hearts.
  10. People should return from Bhajans carrying the elevated, uplifted and sublime mood created by the atmosphere at the Bhajan. Therefore, after the Bhajan people should disperse quietly, maintaining silence. Then the joy and peace derived at the bhajan will linger and abide in the heart.
  11. Bhajan leaders should be present and seated before 3 OM's.