
North Dallas Sai Center


Core Values

Our spiritual education program for children is based on the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The program is designed to impart values and principles that align with his teachings, helping children grow spiritually and ethically.

  • Daiva Preeti: Love for God
  • Papa Bheeti: Fear of wrong-doing
  • Sangha Neeti: Morality in society

General Objectives

  • To help the child discern divine providence behind every event.
  • To inculcate an integrated personality and to enable them to incorporate into this the five human values of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, and Non-Violence.
"Children’s minds are innocent and pure. Each child is a white marble for the teacher and the parents to mould into an image of God, a bud to be helped to blossom in all its Divine glory so that it becomes a worthy offering to God."
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Specific Objectives

  • To inculcate respect for parents and elders.
  • To promote obedience at home and outside.
  • To instill faith and devotion in God through good devotional practices.
  • To sow the seeds for love and honesty.
  • To enable students to practice kindness, compassion, and tolerance at home and outside.
  • To awaken intuition.
  • To awaken awareness of one's own consciousness.
  • To inculcate self-reliance and leadership.


  • Parents need to attend an orientation meeting to understand the program and their role in their child's moral & spiritual growth.
  • Parent commitment includes the need to participate in “parents-as-partners” once every unit.
  • Every unit includes a service project as a part of the program and we welcome parents to help conduct them.


A group of dedicated volunteers serve as our teachers. They are devotees who love children and are committed to their emotional, moral & spiritual well-being.

Balvikas Venue and Timings

All classes meet at the Alpha Montessori House (Frisco) on Sunday mornings, in two sessions.

  • Group 1: KG - 3rd Grade
  • Group 2: 4th - 7th Grade
  • Group 3: 8th - 10th Grade


  • 9:30am - 10:45am: 5th to 10th Grade
  • 11:15am - 12:30pm: KG to 4th Grade

Balvikas calendar follows the PISD School calendar.